Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for mobile will cost €19.99 and will be released on December 3.

Last summer, Nintendo dropped a piece of news that left more than a few campers scratching their heads: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, the free-to-play mobile game that offered pockets of peace and escape, is on its way out. But don’t worry — it’s coming back in a new outfit: a paid, premium version titled Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete. Of course, it won’t be free, but at least after the initial purchase, you won’t have to sell your furniture (virtual or real) to buy more leaf tickets.

Pocket Camp will close its doors on November 28, making way for the new version, which will arrive on Google Play and the App Store on December 3. During the launch period, until January 31, 2025, the price will be set at €9.99, but after that, it jumps to €19.99 — because, as we know, nothing’s truly free, even in the world of Animal Crossing. The good news is you’ll be able to transfer your virtual treasures — well, most of them. Berries, clothes, furniture, and those hard-earned friendships will carry over, though your precious leaf tickets will vanish like leaves in autumn.

The premium version will keep all the classic features, like fishing, managing the campsite, and decorating every nook and cranny, but now it’s all included — no more in-app purchases, subscriptions, or the need for constant internet access. After all, peace is priceless… well, except in this case.

The launch is also accompanied by a roadmap that includes classic events and exclusive new content, including new cookies (because, let’s face it, we can never have enough). However, cookie season will end in October 2025, when new content updates will stop. Nintendo’s move is unusual; after seven years, it’s rare to see a free-to-play game make the leap to a premium version, especially with a price tag of €19.99. But maybe this is a trend in the making — who knows, we might be paying for Candy Crush: Definitive Edition next (with unlimited candies, of course).